Sound-Spelling-Cards Sound-Spelling Cards Full Page Sound-Spelling Cards Two per Page Sound-Spelling Cards - Condensed version (student sheet) LETTER INTRODUCTION ACTIVITIES Letter B Introduction Letter C Introduction Letter D Introduction Letter F Introduction Letter G Introduction Letter H Introduction Letter J Introduction Letter K Introduction Letter L Introduction Letter M Introduction Letter N Introduction Letter P Introduction Letter Q Introduction Letter R Introduction Letter S Introduction Letter T Introduction Letter U Introduction Letter V Introduction Letter W Introduction Letter X Introduction Letter Y Introduction Letter Z Introduction VOWELS ACTIVITIES Long A Introduction Long E Introduction Long I Introduction Long O Introduction Long and Short O Introduction Long U Introduction Short A Introduction Short E Introduction Short E Spelled ea Short I Introduction Short O Introduction Short U Introduction Short U spelled ou OTHER CONSONANTS ACTIVITIES Consonant Blends Continuous Consonant Sounds Non-Continuous Consonant Sounds Consonant Digraph ch Consonant Digraph ph Consonant Digraph sh Consonant Digraph th Consonant Digraph Wh Consonant Trigraph tch REVIEWING SOUNDS AND LETTERS ACTIVITIES Show me the Letter Watch Sounds & Letters Activities in Action Show Me the Letter Show Me the Letter Modified