VLA Review of Grades 6-8 Supplemental Programs

VLA Review of Grades 6-8 Supplemental Programs

Supplemental applications for Cycle 4 will be submitted online. The application window will open on January 13, 2025 and close on January 28, 2025 at noon EST. Submission of materials either in hard copy or via email will not be accepted.

Providers must request an account under the For Providers section to the right. Once the account is approved and the application window is open, providers can log in to begin an application. All components of the application are required, including program information, completed rubric submission, instructional materials, login credentials, and other documents.

Rubric submissions must include responses for all indicators on the required Design & Usability sheet and Accessibility Assurances sheet. After these mandatory sections are complete, providers should complete indicator responses and submit materials for all instructional areas (e.g., fluency, vocabulary, comprehension) relevant to the program. Note that any application missing Design and Usability and/or at least one instructional component with materials, will be considered incomplete and will not be reviewed.

For more details on the instructional program review process and timeline, please view the Full Process Document linked below. If you have any questions, please email us at: [email protected].

Full Process Document

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Review Process Webinar for Providers (Updated for Cycle 4)

Slides: Review Process Webinar for Providers

6-8 Supplemental Program Rubric

Appendices and References

Grades 6-8 Supplemental Program Review Application

In order to be reviewed, the completed application, including materials detailed below, must be submitted. 

Providers will be able to link all materials within the application.