How can I help my child learn new vocabulary? 

How can I help my child learn new vocabulary? 

  1.  The Meadows Center has a video on building vocabulary and comprehension through read alouds.  

  2.  The IES Regional Educational Laboratory Program has parent videos to show how you can build vocabulary during every day activities.  

  3.  Learn an easy strategy to teach your child new vocabulary while reading aloud. 

4. This video, offered through the Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk, helps families identify which vocabulary words to preteach to their child before reading

5.  Reading Rockets offers a list of vocabulary-building activities for Pre-K students through 2nd grade with videos included at each grade level.

6. What is academic vocabulary? The Meadows Center of Preventing Educational Risk explains and shares a routine for families to use with kids to develop academic vocabulary. 

7. The Hanen Centre gives readers a brief breakdown of word development from ages 0-2 years old and offers strategies for families to increase language.

8. This article provided by the NAEYC explains that children must be exposed to new words multiple times to understand their meaning. It also provides eight ways to build family literacy practices. 

9. The Iowa Reading Research Center provides 9 tips for building a young reader's vocabulary.

10. Michigan State University- Extension's article discusses skills and strategies to teach young children vocabulary

11. PBS offers a video with tips on how to build your child’s vocabulary through songs and everyday activities.

12.  Reading Rockets offers 4 easy steps for teaching new words at home.